The awards and recognition Paragon TEC has received are a statement to our quality of management, execution of strategy, dedication to research and development, and committed, effective teamwork.
- 2002-present NASA Headquarters Group Achievement Awards
- 2011 New York City Council Citation for Exemplary Service to the Community
- 2010 NASA Certificate of Appreciation for the Summer of Innovation project
- 2010 National Association of Government Communicators (NAGC) Blue Pencil/Gold Screen Award, First Place for Display presented to NASA Glenn Research Center and Paragon TEC
- 2008 Urban League Small Business Achievement Award
- 2008 Nomination for the NASA Glenn Research Center George M. Low Award
- 2007 NASA SEMAA Champion Award
- 2007 Harvard University Innovations in American Government Finalist Award for the NASA Science, Engineering, Mathematics and Aerospace Academy (SEMAA)
- 2007 United States Congressional Record recognition of NASA, Paragon TEC, and NASA SEMAA as “one of the Nation’s premier K-12 STEM educational programs”
- 2005 NASA Headquarters Turning Goals into Reality (TGIR) Team Award
- 2004 NASA Glenn Research Center Woman-Owned Business of the Year Award
- 2004 U.S. House of Representatives Education Technology Think Tank TEC Champion Leadership and Partnership Awards
- SBA-Certified Small, Disadvantaged Business (SDB)
- SBA-Certified Woman-Owned Business (WOB)
- City of Cleveland
- Miscellaneous state of Ohio and Cuyahoga county certifications